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如果你是克利夫兰居民, 有许多当地的四年制学院和大学提供在线学位. 从大型公立大学到小型公立大学, 私人非盈利组织, 这些学校的形式和规模各不相同. 

作为当地的克利夫兰人,你可能认为你知道这些大学的全部内容. 但比较在线学位与面对面课程是非常不同的. 那么你怎么知道从哪里开始呢? 让十大正规赌博平台大全排行来看看如何在克利夫兰识别受欢迎的在线大学和学位. 



One of the best ways to evaluate popular online colleges and universities is to develop an understanding of how many degrees were offered and completed online. Colleges with higher numbers of 100% online degree offerings usually have more sophisticated online programs and may offer dedicated support and services for online students.


然而, 随着创新技术推动了今天的在线学位, 不要觉得自己只局限于附近有实体学校的网络大学. The most important factor in your decision should be finding an online college that’s the right fit for your lifestyle and career goals.


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Many individuals looking at online degrees in Cleveland are working professionals looking to advance their careers. 作为一个在职的专业人士, 你需要找一所能帮助你平衡学业的在线大学, 事业和个人生活. 

你如何知道克利夫兰的一所在线大学是否会帮助你成功? 从问这些问题开始.

  1. 我需要完成学位课程的同步课程吗? Synchronous courses are ones that require you to be online at a specific time—similar to an in-person class. 对于在职的专业人士来说,参加同步课程可能很困难, so make sure you know if synchronous courses are required before you choose an online degree.
  2. 课程多久开始一次? A college or university dedicated to online education won’t just adhere to a traditional academic calendar. 而不是按照学期计划上课, 在线大学每6-8周提供一次开课日期. This scheduling gives working professionals the flexibility to take courses on their own schedule.
  3. 完成一个在线学位需要多长时间? 这个问题没有唯一的答案. 但是,在线大学应该能够帮助你计算出你需要花多长时间. Figure out how many courses you can take at a time and how that will affect your graduation timeline.
  4. 我可以将多少学分转入我选择的专业? 最好的在线大学对转学很友好. 如果你已经完成学分或专业认证, 他们将帮助你最大限度地转换学分,缩短你的毕业时间. 
  5. What programs, services or special assistance do you offer to support your online students? An online college should offer the same level of support to its online students as it does for on-campus students. 找一所拥有一流图书馆服务的在线大学, 辅导会议, 频繁的教师可用性, 就业服务.
  6. 你如何选择你的教员,他们的资格是什么? 为在职成年人设计的在线学位应该侧重于培养现实世界的技能, 不仅仅是理解理论. 这是最好的方法? Hire faculty who are experts in their field because they have practical experience working in industry.
  7. 如果你同时选修多门课程,每学分的费用会有所不同吗? 一些在线大学采用分层定价. This means your cost per credit hour may decrease if you’re taking multiple courses at once. 但是你有时间全身心投入到多门课程中去吗? 确保你完全了解学费和杂费,因为它们适用于你的独特情况.
  8. 我能和我的老师和同学们有什么样的互动呢? 你不应该因为参加网络课程而感到孤立. An excellent online program will provide collaborative learning opportunities—from online discussions to group projects. You should also have easy access to faculty when you have questions or want to discuss course material. 
  9. 你的课程多久进行一次行业相关性评估? 世界正在迅速变化, so online courses should be regularly evaluated to make sure they follow industry best practices. Look for online colleges that have deep ties to industry and build courses with the input of employers and practitioners.
  10. 你们提供哪些就业服务来帮助学生与雇主或导师建立联系? Make sure the online college you choose offers career services that can help you advance your career. Solid online colleges have strong reputations and connections with prominent employers and professional organizations.

Whether you do research on your own or reach out to admissions counselors at an online college, 找到这些问题的答案至关重要. These answers should give you a clearer understanding of the quality of an online program and how it will meet your needs as a working professional.



十大正规赌博平台大全排行 has deep experience in online education and is dedicated to remaining on the cutting-edge.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行教授在线课程已经有20多年了. 乔尔·加德纳,十大正规赌博平台大全排行教学设计副院长. “Over that time, we’ve honed our online methodology and courses to facilitate our students’ success. 现在, every course is a team effort between a subject matter expert—like a faculty member with extensive experience in the field—and an instructional designer—who is an expert in how people learn and how to best use technology to improve learning outcomes. This combination of content expertise and learning expertise is the foundation of creating high-quality online programs at Franklin.”

十大正规赌博平台大全排行, every degree is offered completely online—resulting in an online student population that thrives.



比俄亥俄州其他任何一所大学被更多的成年人选择, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 tailors its educational experience to the needs of working professionals. We understand the unique needs of someone who is balancing their career, personal life and education. 


  • 灵活的时间安排,让你按照自己的节奏学习
  • 速成学位可以帮助你更快地完成学业
  • A balanced approach to learning that spreads coursework out evenly over the length of a course
  • 独特的支持服务,以满足在线学习者的需求

That’s why the vast majority of our students are working professionals over the age of 25.


Source: National Center for 教育 Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary 教育 Database (IPEDS). Retrieved November 2019; includes 2018 data for universities in 俄亥俄州.


十大正规赌博平台大全排行90%以上的学生从其他学校转学分. We help our students maximize their transfer credits—up to 94 credits toward a bachelor’s degree, 12个硕士学分, 或24个博士学位学分.

One of the ways we can offer so many transfer credits is through our community college partnerships. 在克利夫兰地区,十大正规赌博平台大全排行与斯塔克州立学院和凯霍加社区学院合作. These partnerships allow community college students to seamlessly transfer credit to complete their bachelor’s degree. 


十大正规赌博平台大全排行的课程注重应用而不是理论. Our goal is to teach students skills they can use immediately in their jobs while preparing them for advancement. 这就是为什么十大正规赌博平台大全排行的课程是由具有丰富实践经验的专家开发的. Our programs are also overseen by advisory boards that ensure curriculum stays up-to-date with current industry practices and teaches students in-demand skills.


在选择在线课程时,距离不应该是一个决定因素. 如果你住在克利夫兰, 亚克朗市, 坎顿或俄亥俄州北部的周边地区, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行是在线获得学位的绝佳选择. 

十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供各种级别的大量在线学位. 探索十大正规赌博平台大全排行所有的项目 找到适合你的在线学位.

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