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我应该回大学吗? 了解重返校园的好处

根据国家学生信息交换研究中心的 一些大学,没有学位报告, more than 36 million Americans hold some postsecondary education but have not completed a degree and are no longer enrolled.

对于这些人来说, answering the question of going back to college can feel like a wrestling match. 表面上看,这似乎很容易, but as individuals with some college and no degree navigate the complexities, 重返学校的挑战和成本, 他们可能会开始质疑这样做是否值得.

We’re here to give you the facts about the value of getting a college degree, 证明为什么回到大学是值得的.


如果你打算回学校的话, 你很可能属于非传统学生的范畴. Nontraditional age students are considered those 25 years of age and older. Many of these students are worried about going back to college and feeling awkward and out of place among younger students.

然而, the term nontraditional is becoming less accurate as the number of students 25 and older attending college increases. 根据 government-run National Center for 教育 Statistics, it’s increasingly common for adult students to complete their degrees. 

Let’s look at the breakdown of enrollment for adults attending college.

  • 41%: Growth of students 25-34 years old enrolled in college between 2000 to 2017
  • 4.400万: Number of students 25-34 years old projected to be enrolled in college by 2028
  • 6%: Growth of students 35 years and older enrolled in college between 2000 to 2017
  • 3.300万: Number of students 35 years and older projected to be enrolled in college by 2028

如果你担心作为一个有工作的成年人回到学校, 要知道,在你的追求中,你不会孤单. 随着上大学的成年人越来越多, 有更多的大学是为满足工作成年人的需要而设计的.

You’re never too old to reap the benefits of getting your college degree. 让十大正规赌博平台大全排行来看看重返校园的一些切实的理由.


When it comes to paying for school, grants are among your best options. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? 通过下载这个免费指南来消除猜测.



大学学位的影响不仅仅是推销, there’s hard-and-fast data to support the value of returning to college to earn your degree.

Let’s look at ways a college degree provides tangible value for graduates:

  1. 以损失的收入来衡量,辍学的成本是一个巨大的损失 结合3美元.每年80亿美元 (教育数据). 对大多数学生来说, dropping out of college can mean signing up for $25,000 less per year in income 比那些毕业的.
  2. The unemployment rate is consistently higher for individuals who do not earn their bachelor’s degree (劳工统计局). 2021年7月, the unemployment rate for individuals with an associate degree or some college but no degree was 5%,与3相比.拥有学士或更高学位的个人为1%.
  3. 根据 美国大学与雇主协会56.6%的雇主通过GPA来筛选候选人. Going back to college is not only an opportunity to earn your degree, 还能提高你的GPA,让你在顶级雇主面前脱颖而出.
  4. 根据 公立及赠地大学协会, college graduates are 47% more likely to have health insurance provided by their employer, 雇主为医疗保险支付的费用要多出74% 对于有学位的员工.
  5. 美国学院和大学协会 2021年对雇主的调查发现,几乎 nine out of ten employers think that getting a college degree is either definitely or probably worth it. The highest ranked outcomes of a college degree were ability to work in teams,  批判性思维, 分析和解释数据的能力, application of knowledge in real-world settings and digital literacy.


重返大学是一个重大的决定. 当你权衡你的选择时,你可能有很多问题. We’re here to help you answer some of the most common questions about returning to college. 

  • 回到大学读书在经济上有意义吗? 获得大学学位是一项重要的经济投资. 然而, you need to keep long-term earnings potential in mind when evaluating the cost of your education. 上过大学的人一生的收入是1美元,547,000美元与2美元相比,268,持有学士学位者可获6,000元(APLU).
  • 我得从头开始吗? 很可能,不,你不需要从头开始. 学分转换政策是在大学层面制定的, meaning some schools have more generous transfer credit policies than others. Make sure you have a strong understanding of how your credit will transfer before choosing the university where you will complete your degree. 免费工具 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的转学分评估工具 provide an unofficial evaluation that estimates your transfer credits in as few as 10 minutes.
  • 什么时候回大学才算晚? 什么时候回大学都不晚. Finishing your degree is an achievement that is rewarding personally, professionally and financially. 然而,一些先前获得的积分可能会过期. 通常, 理科课程学分, 技术, 工程, and mathematics (STEM) fields expire within 10 years due to the constant advancements in these fields. 你可以在这里找到更多关于信用到期问题的答案
  • 完成它有多难? Finishing your degree will take dedication, but with proper planning you can make it happen. Choosing the right college can make it much easier to complete your degree. 作为一个工作的成年人, 找到一个灵活的, online program that will help you earn your degree on your schedule can be the key difference in whether or not you finish your degree.


十大正规赌博平台大全排行 has been dedicated to helping busy adults complete their college degrees for 115 years. This commitment and experience has built an experience designed to meet the specific needs of working professionals, 尤其是那些上过大学却没有学位的人.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行 is a transfer-friendly university that offers 100% online degrees that fit your schedule. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行最多接受94个转学学分, 这大约占你获得学位所需学分的75%. 无论你在学习过程中是短暂的还是长期的休息, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行能帮你重回正轨,顺利毕业.

了解更多有关 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的经历 以及它如何帮助你完成你的学位.
